Tuesday 19 February 2013


It has been a while, yea a long while.

I have a whole new calender on my writing table, with a shiny "2013" printed on it. Time just slipped through your fingers. It just slipped through them like that. I was suddenly struck by the realization of how fast moments can pass, and be forgotten. Well I do not mean to be so emo but sometimes emotions and mood does swing, don't they?

Happy CNY!! As I missed the chance to wish y'all a Happy New Year earlier this year.

Life, as usual, never allow me to rest. Lately, I was so occupied and frustrated by things, and even people around me. Lots of attitudes, nope I would rather name them as bad characters that has been shown lately. I was always wondering and doubting myself whenever I got stuck in some awful situations, like quarrels, for instance. Was I being over-reacting or having too high expectations that everyone working with me will end up disappointing me? I came out with the one and only conclusion, nope its all about flaws in attitude!

I'll confess. Yea I was a lil' mad that day. As a friend, (well I can always be a sincere one, if given such chances), I really hope that you can actually turn into a more dependable person, especially when you're a guy. Nothing can be learned without trying. "I don't know" should never be the quote of your life! Life is about giving and taking. The more you are willing to give, and you shall be granted more. "Aye I don't have the skill. What if I spoil your grades for the project." Well I smiled at this. I have given you the chance. And yet you rejected it. NO harm is done though, I'm going to earn more then. You should be grateful, though, as I promised myself not to whine at things like that last year and I'm still willing to follow it.